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The 3 B's to a More Relaxing Work Day

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Stop The Cycle: A Diabetes Expert Gives 4 Tips For Diabetes Prevention

Today’s technology provides us with a number of warning signs. Examples include signs of car trouble like a fuel warning light or low tire pressure, and text message alerts about severe weather. These indicators call for action and in many cases help to avoid larger issues. Our bodies function very similarly. Our bodies let us know that something more serious might be on the horizon and deserves prompt medical attention. The more familiar and attuned we are with our bodies, the more quickly warning signs become apparent and thus the call for action. It’s no different with pre-diabetes. According to the CDC, approximately 84 million American adults—more than 1 out of 3—have prediabetes. Of those with prediabetes, 90 percent don’t know they have it. The following are signs and symptoms of prediabetes: Being overweight Being 45 years or older Having a parent, brother or sister with type 2 diabetes Being physically active less than three times a week A history of gestational diabet...

Teaming Up With Employees For Better Health: Three Strategies To Implement

Monitoring the health of employees can be as important to many organizations as the products that are manufactured or the business strategy that’s behind them. Employees are an incredible asset to any organization and keeping them safe is paramount. Gwinnett Medical Center’s Roger Burnett , occupational health manager, couldn’t agree more. He explains some on-the-job strategies that he uses in his role that involves keeping over 5,500 employees healthy and on the job.  Manager Engagement Specifically, GMC’s health surveillance program involves staff in the pharmacy, Centers for Cancer Care and contractors within those same areas. This includes two hospital-based pharmacies and other locations in addition to multiple cancer centers where over 1,900 patients are treated yearly. According to Burnett, medical screening and health surveillance are interchangeable. “At GMC we screen job candidates before employment, which is not required in all cases, and then annually to determ...

Dialogue with a Doctor: 4 Things You Should Know About Heart Health

Why is heart health so important? Granted, everyone knows it’s important to eat “heart healthy” and exercise for the health of your heart, but what is it about this particular organ that requires such time and attention? What should you know to keep your heart operating at optimum levels? Dr. Barbara Joy Jones, one of the lead physicians for Gwinnett Medical Center’s Corporate Health program, breaks it all down – one step at a time. Your heart is the biggest organ of the cardiovascular system. When the heart is cared for, the rest of our veins, arteries and capillaries are cared for. The heart’s main job is to pump oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood throughout the body (and it does this about 115,000 times a day and 42 million times in year). “Your heart pumps blood to the entire body, and a strong, resilient heart supports the body during rest and physical activities. While the heart is the biggest organ in the cardiovascular system, veins, arteries and capillaries are also critic...

A Risk Assessment Checklist – 3 Things to Remember

According to the National Safety Council, a worker is injured on the job every seven seconds. That equals 510 accidents per hour and 12,600 a day! However, what’s most startling is that each accident could be prevented. In an effort to combat these statistics, Gwinnett Medical Center (GMC) implemented a culture of safety to not only protect their employees, but the patients whom they care for. GMC’s Occupational Health experts rely heavily on a risk assessment that encompasses three major elements when caring for their employees.  While there are a number of safe guards already in place, these three key approaches are utilized most frequently, according to  Roger Burnett , GMC occupational health manager:   Risk Identification: Find, recognize and record hazards Risk Analysis: Understanding consequences, probabilities and existing controls Risk Evaluation: Comparing levels of risk and considering additional controls Risk Identification Throu...